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Beyond thankful&fortunate SLOB COBIA!!!!

I had full intentions on not going fishing, but with a twist of the arm Brian, Ben, and Shawn got me to go and I'm glad I did. Got out and it was pretty much game on from the start. Brian spotted a stud pair. We lucked up and hooked the bigger of the two, which Ben landed making it the first fish of the day-a JUMBO. Then we got the shot at a beast. I casted, she instantly sucked the bucktail up. I was in such a daze and had delayed reaction, giving her the chance to spit the jig out so tried again and she smoked the jig again. I pulled the hook out her mouth, then got lucky on the third attempt and the fight began. The big girl didn't give up easy and gave me a good run around, but we got her boated! It was an awesome day with great company. We landed 6, kept 2, weighing 68 & 94 lbs!!!! I want to give a couple huge shout outs: First, to Bill Gorham with Bowed Up Lures for not only building the baddest buck tails that makes the big girls eat, but also in all the countless hours he put into helping us get a Cobia season so we have the opportunity to catch these wonderful fish. Every boat and Cobia fisherman should be helping support his business because he supported us! Also, want to give a huge shout out to Accurate Fishing Reels as many nice fish this past week fell victim to my Twin Drag Sr-12 Accurate. It's a freaking BEAST! We still have some prime Cobia, Flounder, Spade and Drum trips in Va open so give Salt Treated Fishing a call lets go!!


Stay tuned for a killer video!

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